Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alright, doing some American Civil War. Needed a break from Warhammer, though I swear I will get a picture of the finished dragon soon. Plus I still have to paint the tower for fun too. However, the ACW stuff is a very nice break. It's 15mm and my favorite historical period to wargame. Picture isn't the best as I took it with my iPod and I will get some better pictures soon.

Three regiments are done, though a few stands are left overs from my dad's ACW which I touched up. Two more regiments to go and Armisted's brigade will be done. I've got two of the old Empire books that give *very* detailed orders of battle for ACW including manpower, troop quality, as well as weapon (not all had Rifled Muskets, especially in the early war). 

For rules I'm using Fire and Fury (both brigade and regimental). Primary rules will be the regimental system. I like it for a few reasons: the nice thing about regiments is it will give a bit more character. Seeing the 53rd Virginia, 20th Maine, or 2nd Wisconsin has more character than simply "Armistead's Brigade" or "Vincent's Brigade". Plus I feel like working at the regimental level feels like just the right scale for ACW. The brigade rules have the advantage of allowing seemingly larger battles letting the higher ranked officers come into play. Regimental F&F can allow for quite some detail, but I won't be using the more complex stuff like time of day (most players don't). 

I'm working on the Confederates first as I have more of them. I can get them done and get a sense of where I am at. Plus they're actually a little slower to paint, due to being less organized. While you're less likely to be 'wrong', you have to avoid them being that uniform. The Union will go by much fast as they are uniform and can be industrialized. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Slight update!

For the Nurgle Warriors of Chaos

Working on the dragon, and got some color scheme finally.

Wings, leathery, part have been painted brown and it took several layers including mixing colors for me to be happy with it. Even used watered down colors and such.

Decided it *will* be a green dragon, but to avoid the chance that the Lord riding it would be 'lost' in the green (as I want him to still stand out) the green on the dragon will be darker... so the bright green armor for the rider still can stand out.

The belly/underside of the neck and tail etc will have a sickly fleshy color as opposed to also being green.  So that should look good.

Yellow will be used for horns and perhaps scales, to add some nice color pop to the dragon. Not sure about the horns, as it isn't the typical color... but I think it could work well. Plus, as said, it gives some pop.

This should look good I hope.

I still need to get a rider for the blasted thing though! Either that I'll have to convert the DE riders or something.

And for the classic Lizardmen army project.

Also slowly collecting my "oldschool: Lizardmen army. Added some oldschool skinks (bought two boxes of two) that I was able to find at a store ($24 for the 20) at a nice low price. We're talking the old ones with the bows.  Hoping that will be enough.

So... for classic models I own:

20 Skink 'archers' (will use as blowpipes).
25 older Saurus (hunchback) variety
Old 'kermit' Slann
Old metal Stegadon (Ancient, fitting isn't it?).

Need to get: 

14 more Saurus, but I may get enough for a second unit too. Thankfully since they were in a starter set, this should not be difficult.
Oldschool Templeguard, these might be more annoying to track down.
2 old Salamanders.
A couple classic Saurus character (might just convert Saurus infantry if I have too).
Chameleon skinks: I don't think there were models before the current ones, but I've got some conversion ideas possibly.
Bases: Looking at some nice jungle temple bases to make it look nicer.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reactions to the Nurgle WoC at Blood in the Sun

People really seemed to like it. Amusingly, being in Chicagoland, there was some jokes from Bears fans and such, but they even admitted it turned out quite nicely. People were also pleased with how I avoided the ever constant "dark and drab" problem that can plague (no pun intended) Nurgle armies, which normally leaves less 'pop' to catch the eye. The green and yellow seemed to be just right to catch the eye. That's the nice thing about armor, it can be painted green like that.

The display board was also very well received. I had a few people, such as The Bear, ask how I achieved the texture. I used a waterbased spray (to not eat foam) that is used for housing work that can be adjusted for a fine or coarse texture. It REALLY sped things up! Then put plenty of time into actually painting it, matching my basing. Throw in patches of static grass and 'ard coat for a nice swampy look. A nice final touch, courtesy of a local engraving company, made a very nice etched name card that also matched the feel of the basing!

So overall, people liked the Nurgle army. I got a lot of compliments, and it was pretty cool when paint judges were eyeing it over and talking a lot about it and taking their time. It catches the eye, and several people agreed it is the best stuff I've done yet. So I will happily play these guys for quite some time, definitely well through Waaaghpaca 2013 and probably even Adepticon. Domus even tweeted "I didn't get to sit and look at details but it caught me eye- then I saw it was yours. Good job! Go Packers WoC!". Hearing such a comment from a skilled painted like him, well... that really left me feeling pretty good about the appearance. Overall people's reactions are leaving me VERY confident. I also got a 42 out of 50 on their paint scoring system which can be seen here.

So I will go back and probably add a few extra details, perhaps runes on the shields in light/moderate quantity (one per shield, perhaps two on the shields of the command)... so I don't over do it. A few won't have a rune too.

The two scores that I take the most pride in, when I do well, are sportsmanship and appearance. If I get high scores in either (let alone both) I can walk away proud. 

Oh, for W/L/D record at BiTS I went 2/2/1. So I'm content for their first tournament outing, as it isn't a losing record, especially since it seems like a lot of peopel think Nurgle isn't the strongest mark (let alone an all Nurgle army)... though I believe I showed it can compete!  Learned a bit too, so I should do better next time.

Primary Goals for the next month or so.

Alright, here are the next four goals!

1. 10 Nurgle Marauders as proof of concept. Basically get 10 of these guys up and running to see how they turn out.  I want 10 of these guys ready to go ASAP to see how they look before I drop more money on them.

I also want to try to make a few scythes out of plasticard to see if they turn out OK (easier than bits hunting on e-bay).

It will also help me get an idea of if I can get a unit done in time for Invasion Kenosha or not, as I am debating between a large unit of them or a moderate sized unit of warriors. Making movement trays is easy, so I'm not worried about that aspect.

If I find I can't get them done in time, but I like them, I will still build a unit so I have them as an option for the Screw City GT.

2. Nurgle Chaos Dragon

I still need to track down a rider for the dragon, and I'm aiming for a plastic one as it'd be easier to adjust if needed.

Splitting the neck seems easy enough, though I still need to greenstuff it a bit. Being Nurgle, this will actually make it easier as I can make it look diseased, ragged, etc. I can also add boils, etc to add detail to make it look interesting.

I'm also liking the DE dragon as the base a lot, for countless reasons. Wondering if it'd be legal to use a 50x50 base, despite the chariot base that came with it, to make it less vulnerable to flanking. Not a huge concern yet.

I suspect I will be painting this thing in sections, and gluing for final assembly... to make it easier to paint.

I am enjoying this little project, as I've never had a dragon before so it should be fun. I really, really, really, want to field one for a change and the 3k Screw City GT should provide a nice opportunity to field it without it being too much of my army, and without being a total jerk for fielding it. Plus being Nurgle makes mass BS shooting at it much less of a threat.

The only thing I need to decide on, and this will slow me down, is the color scheme. Would green and yellow work for a Chaos Dragon (Nurgle, mind you) or should I work with different colors? Green would probably be the primary color, for the skin, etc. Wings and some other things would be yellow. I'd probably use offwhites as a third color where needed, to help sell the sickly Nurgle feel.

Thankfully, I can put more time into this as I want it ready for the Screw City GT which is a few months out yet. So by starting assembly now, I can put a lot of time into painting it, so it gets the work such an eye catching model deserves, as let's face it... dragons will draw the eye in any army. So it deserves extra detailed work!

3. Watch tower

This is a fairly simple and easy project that I can work on to break things up. Low priority, so I can take my time on it. I had fun building my "Inn" (still need to do the signs for it), so working on another building would be nice... and add to my terrain collection.

4. Nurgle chosen

I will admit, I am hiring out the conversion work (partially due to time, and my not having the tools to convert metal models as this will need). I am contracting out Ursa's Den to do the conversion work, but only the conversion work. I am getting the old Pestigors converted to wield halberds, as I like the idea of using them for Nurgle Chosen. I am not a fan of the current chosen sculpts, especially since they are armed with what seem like great weapons. If they had a plastic kit in that style, with weapon options, I'd probably consider them... but it's just not worth it the way they are. Plus, I think Pestigors will REALLY help sell the Nurgle feel of it, and also add that sense of mutation, etc that Chosen should convey.

Not entirely sure on my list for Screw City, but the Chosen are something that is being considered for the moment, as I think they add some nice fighting options. Marauders would add numbers (that die easily), chosen would add a nice solid block that could put out some pain, albeit with less numbers. The chosen, however, would being swinging early, and have durability... plus that ever nice Eye of the Gods.

Long Term Aims

Looking at building up a collection of classic Lizardmen (roughly 5th ed era). I've always liked Lizards, and while I do like the current range, I first saw them as the classic line in the old black and yellow "How to paint wargames armies" book. That left an impression on me and I like that old style, plus there is something I like about having Lizards (the oldest race in Warhammer) being all old models. There is just something I honestly like about that. Plus being the history geek I am (I have a damned degree in it afterall), the Aztec/Mayan feel is a bit stronger.

So I am slowly collecting classic models to use. I current have the Kermit Slann, 22 (35 soon) old Saurus warriors, and the old metal Stegadon. Slowly getting more. I'll probably pick up the few old Temple Guard models the Last Square has soon. 

However, while these are older models, I am applying the painting techniques we see these days... which should hopefully complement them well. I will also being using some nicer bases (granted, it bumps cost up) as seen here. Hopefully painting those up, and adding a bit of static grass should make it very nice looking.

I will probably use "bow skinks" as blow pipe skinks. 

From what I can gather, "chameleon skinks" have either not had models prior to the 6th ed Lizardmen book. Please correct me if I am wrong! I am tempted to do conversions (with current cham. skinks in finecast) where they may be hidden in a steam or something. Alternately, I could just have them be normal. If normal, I may have them among ruins or vegetation and... try to make it look like they're blending in somehow. That will be tricky.

The ultimate goal of such an army? I want this army to be my showpiece army. I'm feeling VERY confident following how well received my Nurgle WoC was. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Morning of BITSII. Following the most important part of tournament sportsmanship: taking that all important shower. As a public service announcement I remind all my fellow gamers of how important that is. Now to your regularly scheduled blog post.

Got here at a decent hour last night. Reviewed Empire book which has me contemplating going back to my Enpire and working in them. Liking the Celestial carriage on paper. Want to run with Lire of Lufe if that would work with my army design. Heavens could work with carriage. Metal or shadow might fit infantry builds better, buy I still love life. Demogryphs look fun.

Facing TK first if memory served. Challenged Andrew Sherman. He originally planned Chaos Dwarfs which would be hilarious due to my long stint with them.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bits prep house

House is fully painted. Have yet to put the signs saying 3 skulls inn in the sides. I will work on my other prep for now and save that for last, as the house is good to go and the signs are extra.

Got se work done on the display board. Not sure if I want all the swamp to look watery (aside from static grass) or have patches of "dry". Thoughts?

The army needs static grass clumps, but the swamp basing is done. Thankfully being WoC I do not have a huge model count to work on for that compares to my VC for example.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bits prep. Terrain.

Getting ready for blood in the sun. My terrain piece is nearly done. Just have to paint two signs for it, the door, and the clock. All of which will be glued on. Of the original too many countless skulls only three will remain.

Very happy to have gotten that well under way.

Well on target for BiTS.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Terrain for Blood in the sun

Working on my terrain piece for Blood In The Sun. Basically by letting the tournament use a terrain piece you get a reroll.

I chose to make a house, using the GW chapel kit. While there are other cool terrain pieces my friends and I really need a building added, so I picked this. So it is just a good excuse to make it.

GW and their obsession with skulls. The chapel has two strips of skulls along the side between the series of windows. Wanting to tone down the skull obsession I cut off the teeth part so it is more rounded (see pic). I will use liquid green stuff to smooth it out so they can be brass knobs or something similar instead.

There are some other window sills with three skulls in each that I need to contend with. The rear window should be easy as I will probably just skylit a curtain in it. The set of thee windows on both sides will be more problematic.

Contemplating colors, thinking of going with grays for the building. Not sure if blue or red for tiles on the roof.

Easier project for the weekend. Though biggest thing to do for BITS.
I'm trying to think up ideas for Nurgle marauders. I want mine to be something other than just the rank and file guys.

One idea I currently have is the marauders, with zombie heads (a mix of mantic and GW probably) with scythes from the zombie sprues for great weapons.

Though part of me does not like the "Roid Rage Muscle Body" of the marauders, especially for Nurgle. I'd be tempted to greenstuff them so they look a bit bloated, but I'm not sure how well that'd turn out. I may have to do a test run of that. So I may not end up doing this "bloated body idea", and it might be expensive to have someone do.

I've also considered Empire flagellants, zombie heads, and zombie scythes for GWs (I like the idea of scythes for Nurgle).

I've also considered possibly using Plague Monks as a basis. I'd shave off the tails, of course. Sculpt around the feet to look like simple shoes (so nothing too fancy, more to obscure the rat feet). I'd use zombie heads, but if I can pull it off I might make look like (some at least) have hoods, not sure on giving them hoods.. alternately I might get them something like 'scarfs' as if they were plague victims who were 'covering their mouths' or something

That's the extent of the ideas I have.

Marauders with zombie heads and scythe bits won't be that hard, and not that pricey, but it might not have any "oomf" to it.

Empire Flagellants could work (I need to see some pics of each sprue first) quite well, but might be the priciest of the three main ideas. Though I could see it working quite nicely.

The plague monks I also like, but I'm a tiny bit nervous that the 'simple shoes' may be an eyesore. I also wonder if the conversion will be less convincing due to the stooped nature and people identifying them with skaven... where the Flagellants at least are also human. However, this idea would actually be rather inexpensive as the plaguemonks are actually rather affordable (and I have a lot of zombie heads). I'd mainly need to order all the scythes, but having made Plaguemonks before their staffs could allow for some easy conversions into great weapons.

Writing this post has helped flesh out my thoughts and ideas a bit. I'm really now debating between flagellants or plague monks as a basis for my conversions. I'm not sure which to use.

So here is how it lies:

Using Plague Monks?
   Pros:  Cheaper, staffs might make easy GW conversions (even cheaper).

   Cons: Covering feet might be ugly, 'ratty' stoop and association might make less appealing.

   Pros: Human bodies. Tattered clothes very nurgle like. Might not be hard to pull off conversions at all, as the flails could easily be made into GW (one even has a bit to be a scythe... could hunt for those)... and might not be difficult to make into scythes either.

Cons: Expensive

Thinking about it, the Flagellants would probably look a lot better. Though a 50 man unit would be $195 if paid at full retail, and not counting any bits or tax (thankfully the friendly local game store does offer a discount).  A 50 man unit of PM would cost $105 (though I'd have 10 left over). Is it worth the extra $90 (before discounts/tax) to have (most likely) look a lot more convincing and cooler unit? I'm currently leaning towards, yes.

What do you folks think? I'd like some input on what you think of the two ideas. Which do you think looks better, which do you think will be easier to pull off, is it worth the extra $90 (and I could afford it if I am making a unit). Should I use zombie heads or no?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Middle rune is easier to see in person.

Sometimes my camera acts stupid, and makes it hard to get a good photo, so I've had to to use parts of two photos tonight. The banner is more like the left in person, the rest (including head on top) is closer to the right (though a bit less bright, and the chain mail is not flat silver).

Silly camera...

I've gone back and touched up the banner a bit, it was a bit bright. Added a shade, and relighted a bit over that, and then did a little green glaze. Makes it look a bit better. Will take another pic soon possibly.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Here's a picture of the Sphinx I painted last summer.

These are two different warrior blocks, and were the first units I did. The top one shows the color scheme of the armor and shields as it ended up. I'm working on freehand for the banner for that unit tonight. In the case of both units, the pictures show my old basing which I have since switchted to the swamp/slime look which actually works very nicely.

A unit of Warhounds, ditto on the basing. I have three units currently painted up, but I don't feel a need to post a pic for each one yet. Not until I get a nice picture of each unit later at some point.

This is a pic of the sorc lord, I wish I had a better pic (did a bit more work after this too, and changed basing). The head is supposed to be insect like, with the eyes of a fly.

Nurgle chariots and Nurgle warshine. I since took the slime effect to the sides of the shrine as well as it just looked odd otherwise. You can see the swamp basing on these guys. Each one has a bile troll with it.

Hellcannon, painted to match the Nurgle armor scheme. More swamp basing. It may be hard to see, but just under the front claw there is a little hand reaching out of the slime as if the hellcannon had pounded someone into the muck and was crushing/drowning them!

Chaos Dwarf crew for the hellcannon, given the same color scheme as my Nurgle guys. There is one of each type of Chaos Dwarf here. From left to right: Helm, Hat, and Mask. The helm guy is from very early on (late 80's if I remember right) and predates the hat style. The hat crewman is the limited Adepticon model from Adepticon 2011 (a tip of the hat to Robert Klemic for picking one up for me as I didn't attend... no pun intended).

This is my Battle Standard Bearer. The freehand isn't that intricate, but hopefully it is good. 

I need to snag a picture of my Nurgle Sorcerer (hero level) yet. 

The project for tonight will be to do some freehand banner work for the standard for my 2nd Nurgle Chaos Warrior block. I'll post before/after pics when I get home from work.
Welcome! Starting a blog so I can people can see whatever I am working on regardless of game, army, etc. I'll post my recent project's stuff soon (Nurgle Warriors of Chaos).