Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm trying to think up ideas for Nurgle marauders. I want mine to be something other than just the rank and file guys.

One idea I currently have is the marauders, with zombie heads (a mix of mantic and GW probably) with scythes from the zombie sprues for great weapons.

Though part of me does not like the "Roid Rage Muscle Body" of the marauders, especially for Nurgle. I'd be tempted to greenstuff them so they look a bit bloated, but I'm not sure how well that'd turn out. I may have to do a test run of that. So I may not end up doing this "bloated body idea", and it might be expensive to have someone do.

I've also considered Empire flagellants, zombie heads, and zombie scythes for GWs (I like the idea of scythes for Nurgle).

I've also considered possibly using Plague Monks as a basis. I'd shave off the tails, of course. Sculpt around the feet to look like simple shoes (so nothing too fancy, more to obscure the rat feet). I'd use zombie heads, but if I can pull it off I might make look like (some at least) have hoods, not sure on giving them hoods.. alternately I might get them something like 'scarfs' as if they were plague victims who were 'covering their mouths' or something

That's the extent of the ideas I have.

Marauders with zombie heads and scythe bits won't be that hard, and not that pricey, but it might not have any "oomf" to it.

Empire Flagellants could work (I need to see some pics of each sprue first) quite well, but might be the priciest of the three main ideas. Though I could see it working quite nicely.

The plague monks I also like, but I'm a tiny bit nervous that the 'simple shoes' may be an eyesore. I also wonder if the conversion will be less convincing due to the stooped nature and people identifying them with skaven... where the Flagellants at least are also human. However, this idea would actually be rather inexpensive as the plaguemonks are actually rather affordable (and I have a lot of zombie heads). I'd mainly need to order all the scythes, but having made Plaguemonks before their staffs could allow for some easy conversions into great weapons.

Writing this post has helped flesh out my thoughts and ideas a bit. I'm really now debating between flagellants or plague monks as a basis for my conversions. I'm not sure which to use.

So here is how it lies:

Using Plague Monks?
   Pros:  Cheaper, staffs might make easy GW conversions (even cheaper).

   Cons: Covering feet might be ugly, 'ratty' stoop and association might make less appealing.

   Pros: Human bodies. Tattered clothes very nurgle like. Might not be hard to pull off conversions at all, as the flails could easily be made into GW (one even has a bit to be a scythe... could hunt for those)... and might not be difficult to make into scythes either.

Cons: Expensive

Thinking about it, the Flagellants would probably look a lot better. Though a 50 man unit would be $195 if paid at full retail, and not counting any bits or tax (thankfully the friendly local game store does offer a discount).  A 50 man unit of PM would cost $105 (though I'd have 10 left over). Is it worth the extra $90 (before discounts/tax) to have (most likely) look a lot more convincing and cooler unit? I'm currently leaning towards, yes.

What do you folks think? I'd like some input on what you think of the two ideas. Which do you think looks better, which do you think will be easier to pull off, is it worth the extra $90 (and I could afford it if I am making a unit). Should I use zombie heads or no?


  1. Have you considered using something from PikeandShot or one of the other warlord historical lines?

  2. That's not a bad idea either, I may have to stop by The Last Square and take a look.
